a comedy between cabaret and stand-up

with "Oh my god she's Parisian!" her show in English, Julie COLLAS will make you die laughing!
Where to find stand-up comedy in English in Paris? At the Bo Saint-Martin theatre,
This is the must-see comedy show in Paris in English to find out how to become a Parisian. And you don't need to be good at English to understand, JULIE COLLAS is a real Parisian who speaks with a French accent. "OH MY GOD SHE'S PARISIAN is the newest English-language comedy show in Paris . An English-language one-woman show in the true tradition of American stand-up. JULIE COLLAS sings, mimes and improvises in a self-mocking one-man show about Parisians.
To know more about the show click on the button below to be redirected to the home page.
If you're already convinced you can buy tickets by clicking on the booking link below. Tickets for the show are also on sale on websites such as GetYourGuide or Tripadvisor and many more!
I can't wait to see you!